Your construction site needs to be considered the most safest site to work in by your contractors, your staff and your visitors. This can only be so when workers tools are company’s’ tools and machineries are consider safest while on site. As soon as tools cross the site entrance into your construction site, workers should be able to have a piece of mind while doing their job.

This can however only happen if you take a bold decision of choosing the right security company such as UK SECURITY POWER Ltd.

With UKSP, we can:

  • Ensure tools safety anywhere on site
  • Record the in and out time of every worker or visitor on site.
  • Control access of people in an out of site to prevent unauthorised persons entering the site.

We will provide you with:

  • Manned guards
  • Traffic marshal
  • Fire marshal
  • Mobile patrol guards
  • CCTV System and monitoring
  • Key holding security personnel
  • Electronic tagging system
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